Yarn Fairy? Are you real??
I just KNEW there had to be a Yarn Fairy out there! Where else would all the beautiful yarn come from? =) So Yarn Fairy, if you are reading this......when are you going to come see me?? I've been a good little knitter and have been working on finishing up my WIPs and whittling down that stash. Don't you think it's time I get some of that luxurious and wonderful kind of yarn? Puh-lease??????
Seriously, this cute little yarn fairy clip art came from Tara over at Tara's Doodles ....go on over and visit, I'll wait. I got a few of the cute graphics on the sidebar from her site. She has another cute site that I visit all the time ~ Coffee Crochet ~ isn't that the coolest name? I'm going to make her Strawberry 'Jamma Bag real soon. I think it's adorable.
The family and I just got back from serving dinner at Guest Week. This is an annual event that our church does...we host a group of homeless people at our church for a week. They come from a shelter in Detroit. I serve several meals there throughout the week and a lot of us just go up there to visit, play games, watch movies, etc. The number of people we have varies from year to year, I think we have 52 people staying with us this year. It was a bit surreal.....we had dinner with the homeless going on in our Fellowship hall and a wedding going on in the sanctuary.
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