A Creative Spirit (What do you do with yours?)

"She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands." Proverbs 31:13

Friday, May 25, 2007

Finding time to knit

I had some rare free time today so I cast on for a shawl using Kid Merino by Crystal Palace Yarns in Fern Mix. The picture doesn't do it justice...it's a wonderful muted shade of greens ~ which for those of you who really know me know that green is my absolute favorite. You can scroll down to see how many lucious shades they have in this yarn.

My friend Cindy bought me two balls of it while I was visiting her last summer. The woman who owns the yarn shop provided the pattern free with purchase. It only takes two balls to make a shawl.....not bad. I'd like to get it done over the next two weeks, think I can? I also want to finish up a few other projects over the summer.

We listed the house this week and officially have the sign in our yard. It's bittersweet....I am excited for the change but also a bit sad. Hubby and I built our lives together in this home. As I write this I can smell the lilacs (my favorite) growing just outside the window ~ and I know that as we look for our new home I will be looking to see if there are lilacs outside and a nice spot to plant my garden.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hello out there.....

I know, I know...I've REALLY been slacking on posting on my blog. What can I say? The job has me busy, not to mention keeping up with 2 very busy teenagers and one not-quite-as-busy 12 year old.

We've decided to down-size on the house, this one is really just too much house for us now. So we've been working our tails off (by we I mean hubby and myself) when we are home just trying to get things in order so we can start showing. Sheesh! I'm tired!!

I'm actually looking f0rward to getting a smaller house in a quieter neighborhood. Our next door neighbors are nice enough, but they are....um, how shall I say it?? Rednecks, to put it mildly. Cleanliness doesn't seem to be high on the list of priorities...they have a LOT of JUNK in their yard. Things like 5 plastic 55 gallon drums, a "play structure" made out of scrap wood, stuff like that.

I've worked a great deal in my craft room today. Weeding out what I really don't need or couldn't possibly use up in my lifetime. We're having a yard sale next month.....bye-bye clutter. On the bright side....I've lost 8 more pounds AND (drum roll please) my desk is clean!!! Hooray for me!!