A Creative Spirit (What do you do with yours?)

"She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands." Proverbs 31:13

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Latest projects

I have been crocheting these little baby sweaters like crazy this week. I make them for charity...it's some of the most fulfilling work I've ever done. =) Earlier this year I had set a goal of making 200 baby items in 2005 and have just exceeded that goal!!!! Now I'm going to see how many more I can get done before the year's end.

This is a knit gift bag I made for my partner in an exchange in one of my knitting groups. I got the pattern from the book Last Minute Knitted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson. I love this book and have several other patterns marked for future projects....in the very near future!!

I have been reading At Knit's End ~ Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. She hits the nail on the head so many times and it's like she wrote the book about me!! lol You'll have to get a copy and read it for yourself. I got mine from Amazon and I love it!! Stephanie has a blog ~ check it out: Yarn Harlot

One more thing ~ you simply MUST check out Gina Renay's blog! This is one talented lady! Her talent is amazing....take the time to look at her photos, it's well worth it! You can find a link to her on the sidebar on the right.

Friday, August 12, 2005


I have finally taken the time to sit here and figure out how to add links to the sidebar! =) So far I have added links for Suzanne's blog, her Yahoo group (that I am also in), and a link for Gina Renay's blog....she is one talented lady! I was in awe just looking at her photos!

Bev Q. added a new bear pattern to her charity list and I made one (in purple) in an afternoon! They are really cute and since they are so quick and not too big, they are the perfect addition to my charity boxes.

I got my newest needlework assignment....a Halloween runner in counted cross stitch. It's cute and fun to work, it should be MUCH easier than that afghan. Since this one is an unpublished designer original I can't post/or take a photo of it. =(

Monday, August 08, 2005

Productive Weekend

Over the weekend I not only finished that afghan, but I also finished this baby sweater for my grandson who is due to arrive in early December, a pair of ladies' slippers for charity, and a crocheted a basket out of twine. The basket turned out really great and only took me just over an hour to crochet! I'll have to get hubby to take some photos of it for me since it won't fit on the scanner. lol

Tonight I plan to start knitting one of the Baby Bears by Fiber Trends They are the cutest little felted bears! I should be getting my pattern for Baby Bobbi Bear from my friend Cindy. She ordered us each a copy of the pattern and was mailing mine out to me this week. =) I am making one of those Fiber Trends Baby Bears for her. Shhhh, don't tell her, it's a surprise.

I also ordered THE book - from Amazon "At Knit's End - Meditations For Women Who Knit Too Much" by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. I've seen so many great comments by others about her book and had to get a copy for myself. It should be here by the end of the week. =) I'll find the link for Stephanie's blog......

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Wouldn't you know it?

I had heard that internet trolls lurk around blogs and post their offensive garbage in the comment sections. It happened to me today and of course I was stunned.

Obviously that person needs a more productive hobby. Sadly some people have nothing better to do than to bother others. Geez!

It is finished!!!

I have finally finished the counted cross stitch on that afghan!!!! Wahoo!!! The afghan is full sized and crocheted in Tunisian, using wool.

I was hired to stitch the flowers. If you've never tried to do counted cross stitch on an overly large piece of wool in the middle of a heat wave, I wouldn't recommend it! lol It's hot, heavy, and very scratchy, but oh so beautiful now that it's finished! I don't think I've ever felt so much like celebrating after finishing any project as I do now that this afghan is done. =)